적당하지 않은 때에 영어로
- out of turn
- 적당하지 않은: unfortunate
- 않은: green
- 고소 당하지 않은: noncharged; neutral
- 지배 당하지 않은: undisciplined; unlimited; unarrested; unbitted; unrestricted; unticked; curbless
- 타당하지 않은: indecent; unfitting; indecorous
- 지배당하지 않은: unruled
- 적당하게: passably; duly; inexpensively; moderately; properly; ish; indifferent; auspiciously; adequately; on time; regularly
- 적당하다: come in handy; seem; befit; appropriate; fitting; behove; fit; be suitable; suitable
- 적당하여: well
- 부적당하게 하다: unfit; indispose; disqualify
- 하지 않은: undone
- 적당하게 얼버무리다: palter
- 가공하지 않은: rough; unprocessed
- 감사하지 않은: ungrateful; underappreciative; ungratefully; ingrate; ingrateful; unthankful
- 강조하지 않은: unstressed